I’m back, I’m revived and I’m ready to blog!! I had a lovely
time in Devon with plenty of retail therapy to keep me occupied!!!
On one of the days we went to a local shopping centre; I
love it because it stretches from a main building around many winding streets
and alleyways laced with markets and quintessentially British pubs. I’ve
visited this particular area before, so I decided to take my camera as I missed
out previously!!!
I spotted my first photographic opportunity not long after I
walked into the main precinct. A man was promoting a local wildlife scheme,
with a little help from a friend! The man walked side by side with this
incredibly stylish duck! It was quite funny to watch everyone doing a double-
take as they realised that this amusing site was actually real!!
I tried to take a picture but had to use a high ISO to get a
fast enough shutter speed to capture the duck before it moved. I couldn’t keep
it’s attention long enough to take a decent photo, but when the man saw me he
made the duck face me by walking along side.
There was a small roundabout behind it, which gave this shot
more interest. I’ve been really into pictures with a more retro feel to them
and as I increased the contrast the noise became more prominent creating this
effect. I normally strive to illiminate this but I’ll admit that I liked it! To
emphasise this, I sharpened the image, increased the contrast and used a grain
effect in Photoshop.
I’m really pleased and slightly surprised that something a
little arty can come from a snapshot, but sometimes these photos are the best