Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today, me, Bex and some other friends went to a coffee shop during our lunch break. One of our friends had just finished their meal and the plates were about to be collected up, I thought that it looked quite interesting and so I took a photo of it. It was a spur-of-the-moment photo so was a little rushed and the quality isn’t fantastic, but I like the overall effect of the subject; with the knife and fork on one side, and the leftover food on the other.

I adjusted the light levels in photoshop to try and brighten the picture and make the plate a bit whiter. Also I darkened the background, I did this to lose some detail on the table, and therefore make the plate the focus of the photo.

I like this photo, even if it is a bit of a ‘snapshot’. I like the effect and the abstract symmetry between the knife and fork on the left, and the food on the right. I enjoy taking spur-of-the-moment photos because they are always very different and can catch the world in a way that is not normally seen.

Bex is having problems with her internet and can’t upload any photos at the moment, so you're all stuck with me and my uploads for the time being (not sure if that’s such a good thing though). Hopefully she’ll get her internet back up and running soon so that she can upload more of her fantastic quality photos. Until then, it’s down to me to hold the fort.

I hope you enjoy my uploads and don’t get too bored of me!


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