Thursday, November 29, 2012


This is another photo from our recent trip to our local Christmas market. Before I explain anything, I should apologise for any inexcusable errors that I may make, as I broke my glasses!

As I previously mentioned, there were a lot of different stalls there which all sold handmade items. One of the stalls I went to exhibited Christmas wreaths made from twigs and dried citrus fruit such as oranges. It also had handmade gifts, such as animal shaped doorstops; this is one example of them. I love how the subject is immediately obvious, and I’ll admit that my first reaction was “aww”!

It was quite dark as it was getting towards late afternoon, so I had to use a relatively slow shutter speed. I could speed it up slightly because I used an aperture of F4.5, as I wanted a relatively shallow depth of field. I wasn’t sure how shallow the depth of field would be, as it was too dark to be able to tell effectively from the depth of field preview option.

I’m pleased with how the image turned out; I like how the spikes that are furthest away from the camera have been blurred. I also like how you can see the reflections of the lights in the eyes of the hedgehog. I got my advent calendar today (I will never grow up!) so I’m all ready for December- ROLL ON CHRISTMAS!!


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