Saturday, November 24, 2012

Old Timers

This photo was taken at the Christmas fayre that Bex and I went to. As I said we took a lot of very interesting photos. We both had a great time taking photos of the event, it was Victorian themed so all the stall owners where dressed up in Victorian costumes.

There were two men who walked around the market looking a bit mischievous, so as one of them was looking at the time I decided to take a photo. As I was about to take the photo the second one spotted me and pointed me out, this caused the second man to look up at his watch towards me. I managed to take the photo while he was looking up. I really like the effect that this caused because they were acting naturally so the photo doesn’t look set up.

I was using the camera in aperture priority so that I could control the background blur. And for this photo I selected F5, this gave a large enough depth of field but also it blurred the background so that it was less distracting.  The camera matched this with a shutter speed of 1/80th of a second which was fast enough to freeze the little amount of movement there was. I didn’t used flash as I thought this would spoil the effect I was trying to achieve.

I did very little editing to this photo because I managed to get the exposure correct in the camera. I cropped the photo down a small amount to remove some distracting details in the edges of the frame and also I increased the sharpness of the photo because I felt it could do with a small increase. I’m very impressed with my camera; I haven’t required to make any drastic changes to the exposure of any of the images that I have taken so far.

We both took a lot of interesting photos and I’m sure there will be a few more in the next few days. And maybe if the weather decides to clear up we may get a chance to go out for a short wander; but I can’t see that happening for a while. If the weather doesn’t clear up, we may try some indoor set up shots.


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