Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This is another photo that I took on my trip to the duck pond. While I was there I saw a group of ducks swimming around on the lake. I thought that if I focused on just one of them it would create an interesting composition.

One of the ducks was moving towards me and was creating a small wave in front, so I zoomed in the lens to 300mm to crop out the rest of the ducks. I had selected an aperture of 1/500th of a second to freeze the movement, to get the right exposure the camera selected an aperture of F7.1. I framed the photo so that the duck was in the top right, I did this to create the most interesting composition. As the duck was looking slightly to the left side of the frame, I wanted there to be some space for it to ‘look’ into. I managed to capture the reflection of the duck in the water in the bottom of the frame, I’m glad I did this because it makes the photo look a lot more interesting.

To edit the photo I cropped the photo a little tighter to enhance the effect I was trying to make. I also turned down the highlights because some of the reflections in the water had become overexposed. I didn’t change anything else because the colours had been captured accurately and I liked the overall effect of the photo.

I’ve still got a few more photos that I want to upload, but Bex and I have been planning a wander soon. It depends on the weather, so it may not be for a while, but when we do we will upload the photos for you to see.


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