Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Bex and I managed to go out for a wander today. I had a few tricks that I wanted to try out today so this was the perfect opportunity. One of the tricks was a ‘time warp’ effect, so I tried a few times with varying results.

One of the times that I tried it was on a small flower. So for the best effect I put the flower in the centre of the frame and used an aperture of F14. I metered off the flower because it was the key part of the scene. To create the ‘time warp’ effect I put the camera onto a tripod, selected a slow shutter speed (1/10th of a second) then while the shutter was open I zoomed the lens in. This gives a very different motion blur to normal with the photo appearing stretched towards the edges of the frame. I tried zooming the lens different amounts but I think this one has the best effect.

I didn’t change anything when I put the photo onto the computer because I really liked the effect that I had created. The exposure had been set perfectly by the camera so I didn’t need to change anything in that respect and the colours had been reproduced accurately by the camera.

I’m very pleased with the effect I had managed to produced today; I will try out different techniques in the future to see if I can make a different effect.


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