Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I went for another walk today, as I had a free afternoon. I walked to a local spot that I visit frequently. In simple terms, it’s a long path which stretches for about a mile, lined with trees in parallel the entire length. It’s one of my favourite places to go. I didn’t actually have a “free” afternoon as such; I was supposed to be Christmas shopping! I managed to get all of my shopping done with some time to spare, so got a bus to the start of the road and walked the entire stretch with my camera.

The only major problem with lining the street with trees is that they aren’t evergreen and present an issue when you decide you wish to sit anywhere! By the time I got to the end of the path I still had a little time to wait, so I went in search of a bench. I found one, but it was covered in leaves.

I decided to try to take a picture of this, using a wide aperture to blur what was behind and underneath the bench and to focus on the front few leaves. I wanted to make the photo more interesting, so I pre-focused the camera before moving it. This had the effect of changing which part of the photo was in focus, drawing you into the picture. Apart from increasing the saturation in Photoshop slightly, I haven’t edited the picture as I wanted to keep the effect of using natural light and I liked the original image.

I never did get chance to sit down; I’m afraid I’m too easily distracted. It was a shame I missed my bus though- I blame the camera…


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