Thursday, December 13, 2012

Blurry Water

I took a lot of photos on our pre-dawn walk, this one is one of my favourites so I decided to upload it. We were down at the duckpond and the water was flowing at a reasonable rate; I thought that I could make an interesting blurred effect by using a slow shutter speed.

To create the effect I wanted, I put the camera in aperture priority mode, I did this because I also wanted a large depth of field. I selected an aperture of F13, this gives a massive depth of field but also it means the camera has to choose a slow shutter speed. This gives both of the effects that I was aiming for. I used ISO 100 to ensure that the amount of detail was as high as possible. Because of the slow shutter speed I was using I mounted the camera onto my tripod to ensure the photo was as sharp as possible.

To edit the photo I tweaked the RGB curves to give the photo a warmer feel to it, also by increasing the red curve I made the photo look more autumnal. As the exposure time was very long I also sharpened the photo and then reduced the noise that this produced. Also by increasing the brightness the photo now looks a lot more vibrant.

I’m very pleased with how the photo now looks. I’m slowly getting used to my new camera, and I’m very much enjoying the process of learning how the different features work. I’ve now purchased a flash gun to use with my camera, hopefully I will get a chance to test it this weekend; if I do then I will upload a photo of it to show you.


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