Sunday, March 17, 2013


It feels like an age has passed since I last wrote a post; so much so that it almost feels unnatural writing one this evening. I must apologise on behalf of my ludicrously unreliable laptop, and blame it for my absence. In the mean time, I have found myself busy with other pursuits. This afternoon, I was invited for a meal at a family member’s house. It was their birthday, so I took a camera with me. In the evening, once presents had been opened and cake eaten, I noticed that the sunset was stunning and decided to try to capture it. I wasn’t content with the “conventional” photo so set about making it more original.

My relative lives in a rural area of the town, which is why the sunset could be seen so vividly; however, there is a small road running along the bottom of her garden (behind the trees). I used a shutter speed of two seconds, briefly pausing on the tree on the left, before moving to focus on the right. While focusing on the left, a car drove through the photo; I tried to track the headlights.

I have increased the contrast, while decreasing the brightness in Photoshop. I have also sharpened the image and created a slight vignette around the edges. I love how the image turned out; this is the first time that I have experimented with a double exposure-style image, and I think it worked well. I am also very pleased that I managed to capture light trails from the headlights of the car so well. Normally, I find that employing more than one technique makes the composure seem a little sloppy, but there are some exceptions and I think this is exactly that.


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