Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I went for a walk through the local nature reserve today. In contrast with the last few days of bright sunshine (along with the cruel jokes aimed in my direction and VERY red skin), the weather was quite dreary. It didn’t rain as expected, but provided some interesting cloud formations.

I tried to capture this by walking to the top of the large hill in the nature reserve (the highest point in my town), in order to avoid any rooftops or other unwanted objects. I used manual mode, for complete control over the composition. I tried to under-expose, as I wanted the foreground to be a silhouette against the dark clouds. I used a shutter speed of 1/400, with an aperture of F11 at ISO 100. I used a narrow aperture in order to ensure the sharpness of every detail throughout the image. I wanted to minimise the amount of visible noise in the image, so used ISO 100. This means that the only option I had was to change shutter speed to get the correct exposure.

I have edited the image in Photoshop before uploading. I increased the contrast and decreased the brightness by equal amounts to make the clouds more striking. I also sharpened the image, but apart from this I haven’t changed anything. I seem to get both good and bad photographer days. By this, I mean whether I take a lot of photos that I am pleased with, with not too much fiddling of the settings, and the opposite on a bad day. Today was definitely a “good photographer” day, and I look forward to sharing some other images with you in the following posts.


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