Friday, April 19, 2013


I went for a walk through the local nature reserve this afternoon. Part way through the nature reserve is a long forgotten fence. It is no longer used for anything, and appears only to be there through a matter of convenience rather than use. It is run down, which made it ironic when I walked past to see this ripped dog collar, tied to the fence in a knot (the buckle had fallen off).

If you look carefully, you can see a cobweb, to the left of the collar. I liked this as it added to the idea of it being old. I used an ISO of 800; I wanted to add a degree of noise to the image, as I felt it would add to the theme. I used an aperture of F5.6 in order to blur the background, and furthest parts of the collar, focusing attention onto the most ripped part and the scratches on the bone shapes.

I have done some editing in Photoshop, but a very small amount. I increased the contrast slightly, to make the image more striking. I then sharpened the image to pick out some finer details on the collar, such as the weave of the material. I’m really pleased with the image, as it’s quite abstract and, I’ll admit, I did get a little lucky with the composition!


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