Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Midday Fireworks

I’m afraid today’s post is rather abstract. I tagged along at another Bradley Stoke Radio outside broadcast at the weekend. It was a glorious break from the rain, meaning there were a lot of people around and there was an amazing atmosphere!

In terms of scale, this was a rather large outside broadcast so there was a lot going on. One of the things we had was a bubble machine. However; it attracted me as well as younger children (all be it that I was attracted for a more artistic reason!).

Because of the sunshine, you could see rainbows on the bubbles, which I thought might make a good photo. I got my camera as close to the bubble machine as I could to try and get the most bubbles in the picture, and I used a shutter speed of 1/20 to try and make the bubbles blurred, as I was only interested in the rainbow that could be seen through them.

I ended up with this, which I think worked very well. I needed to mess around with the contrast in Photoshop afterwards, but over all I love this picture! It reminds me slightly of the photos you see of car headlights on a motorway. If you fancy taking a look at Bradley Stoke Radio then you can do so HERE.


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